GFX Sensations 1
Graphic Sensations - Volume 1.iso
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The OpalVision Video System Software
All software is included with the Video Processor only, and requires
Workbench 2.0 or higher.
(Names subject to change)
Vector/PIP FX Editor
Chroma/Luma Keying Software
ChromaCTRL Editor
OpalPIP (Picture-in-picture) software
OpalVision Switcher:
Selectable Preview, Program, and Preset busses allow switching flexibility
when used with the OpalVision Video Suite. Up to 9 video inputs are
available, and the bus input buttons can be user-customized with names.
The user also has the option to define the first three composite inputs on
the Video Suite as a second RGB or YUV input. Allows unlimited number of
effects, all effects are icon-based, and effects are classified into
categories (also user-configurable) for easy "drag-and-drop" grouping of
often-used effects. Includes dual on-screen video and audio T-bars, which
can be manually moved with the mouse separately or together. Features an
on-screen slider for effect speed (in time units) and buttons for F,M,S
speeds (configurable to time) as well as AUTO and TAKE buttons. All
switcher settings, including effect speed and video and audio settings, can
be tied into an "Event List" for automated switcher control, and the Event
List can be triggered by several sources, including mouse, keyboard, and
GPI trigger. The OpalVision Switcher is fully AREXX compatible.
When used in conjuction with the OpalVision Video Suite, features full
audio-follows-video capability, plus an on-screen mixer with sliders for
each of the 5 stereo audio inputs. The on-screen sliders control either
volume or EQ. All audio control is linked with video.
Freeze any incoming video source from the OpalSwitcher or from OpalPaint,
and save it. Can grab either a full frame or a single field, and also
allows multiple frame grabs at reduced size and/or resolution. When
grabbed from OpalPaint, motion-removal can be performed, either globally or
isolated by region, using the "DeInterlace" draw mode and any OpalPaint
drawing tool. Also supports several selected single-frame controllers for
serial control of decks (with time code), allowing frame-accurate
rotoscoping (grab any time-code marked frame from video).
Allows access to framestores from any user-specified location on the hard
drive. Also allows frames currently located in one of OpalPaint's spare
buffers to be instantly accessed directly from the switcher. Creates
automatic background gradients, with selectable direction and color.
Using a keyframe system, allows user-defined wipes (Vector) and DVE moves
(PIP) with an on-screen spline-based editor. A wide assortment of DVEs or
wipes can be created in this fashion, with each keypoint of the on-screen
spline cure having its own independent position, size, and rotation (X,Y)
information. Editing is accomplished with the mouse, and is completely
interactive, with the final effect performed immediately. Effects can be
saved and loaded, and IFF brushes can be used for effect icons. Also,
Amiga animations (of any format, including AGA) can be used as templates
for wipes.
Provides complete support for chroma and luma keying, either between two
video inputs (using the Video Suite) or between 24-bit graphics and a
single video input. The luma keyer supplies control over bright and dark
key clip level, and the chroma keyer provides for definable color (key on
blue, green, red, or any base color) and clip range for that color. The
chroma keyer also supports the Video Processor's "Chroma Sandwich Key",
which allows a user-defined stencil to be created in OpalPaint, which is
then used as a "mask" to allow a second layer of 24-bit graphics to be
inserted into a chroma key. Thus, chroma-keyed video not only passes in
front of 24-bit graphics, but also behind the stenciled portions as well.
Functionally similar to the ChromaCTRL draw mode in OpalPaint, this editor
allows numerous color processing effects on video in real-time. Adjust
brightness, contrast, color, gamma, create your own color maps or load maps
created from OpalPaint. Includes several color processing effects,
including Nuke, Posterize, Enhance, Gamma, and several others.
OpalPaint and OpalCG can be launched and controlled directly from the
switcher. Any Workbench program can also be launched directly from within
the switcher interface screen, with full Workbench icon support.
OpalCG offers full 35ns text capability (on A3000 or A4000) with selectable
font size, color, outline, drop shadow, and anti-aliasing. Support Amiga,
Compugraphic, and Color fonts, with Compugraphic fonts supporting any
arbitrary size. All fonts can be changed on a character-by-character
basis, and "style lists" can be created to change defined groups of
characters or blocks of text all at once. Supports mouse-based text
highlighting, and text can be cut and pasted with full clipboard support
(paste text from any clipboard-compatible text editor or word processor
into the CG, even multitasking in the background). OpalCG can also create
draggable boxes of text (ASCII import), graphic separators, or IFF brushes
or pictures. All boxes are draggable and positionable. OpalCG offers
several types of pages, including scroll and 24-bit, and can create pages
with semi-transparent text and drop shadows over video. Multiple pages can
be defined, and a sequence of pages can be controlled by a timeline, with
mouse, AREXX, or time code triggers supported for advancing each page.
OpalCG also features its own event list for each page, where lines of text
can have their own transition effect. CG pages can be incorporated
directly into the switcher.
OpalPIP software:
Allows any video input or still image to be displayed in a draggable,
scrollable, and resizable window on the Amiga workbench. Also allows
zooming in and out, and has AREXX control to allow remote operation from
other software.